Friday, August 27, 2010

Some terms about Twitter you need to know

A lot of people know Twitter, microblogging by Jack Dorsey MIT graduate, Twitter users can post a short post to communicate with other users on Twitter with characters limit 140 characters. It is very pleasant to communicate and interact with other users in Twitter, but there are some users do not know some important terms in Twitter.

Here are some of the terms contained in Twitter :

Tweet : The term post on Twitter, limited to 140 character.
Follow : To Tweet on Twitter users to follow specific.
Follower : Twitter users who follow update your Tweet.
Mentions (@) : Code for Calling the twitter id of others, eg: @ jurnalborneo
Reply : Reply to Tweet others.
Trending Topic (TT) : the most popular topics discussed.
Retweet (RT) : Repeats the contents Tweet others.
Hashtag (#) : A sign for a particular topic.

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